
1976-77   Schule für Gestaltung (Art School), Zürich, Switzerland
1978-81   Studies at the Schule für Gestaltung (Art School), Zurich, Switzerland
     Studied art history, political science, sociology and philosophy at the University of Zürich, Switzerland
1980      Own art studio, Winterthur, Switzerland
         Group exhibition, Zürich Land, Wallisellen, Switzerland
1981     Kiefer Hablitzel Art Grant, Montreux, Switzerland
1982      Art Studies, New York, USA
      Group exhibition with Claudio Conte, Galerie GE, Winterthur, Switzerland
       Group exhibition, CH-OST, St. Gallen, Switzerland
1983   Group exhibition with Claudio Conte, Kunsthalle Waaghaus, Winterthur, Switzerland
     Studied sculpture, art history and screen print at St. Martins School of Art, London, England
1984      Studied sculpture, art history and screen print at St. Martins School of Art, London, England
         Group exhibition, Wander, Berne, Switzerland
         Group exhibition, Artist Group Winterthur, Art Museum, Winterthur, Switzerland
1985     Art Project Rueckenfreiraum, initiating and curating, Winterthur, Switzerland
1986     Art Project Hier & Jetzt, initiating, participating and curating, Wil, Switzerland
         Group exhibition, Galerie GE, Winterthur, Switzerland
         Group exhibition, Raum & Reaktion, Burgdorf, Switzerland
1987      Group exhibition, Lupa e l'orso, Rome/Italy and Berne/Switzerland
         Young Artists, Art Museum, Winterthur, Switzerland
         One-person show, UBS Wolfsberg, Switzerland
1988     Group exhibition, Oschten, Shedhalle, Zürich, Switzerland
           One-person show, Galerie Rövekamp, Zürich, Switzerland
            One-person show, Galerie Neue Kunst, Wil, Switzerland
1989     One-person show, Galerie Bea Mitschjeta, St. Gallen, Switzerland
        Group exhibition, Art Museum Olten, Olten, Switzerland
1990      Group exhibition, Galerie Kunstraum, Burgdorf, Switzerland
1991     Group exhibition "Hochsensible, hochkomplex und unrein", Kunsthalle Waaghaus, Winterthur, Switzerland
         Group exhibition, Kunsthalle Wil, Wil, Switzerland
         Group exhibition, Galerie Bea Mitschjeta, St. Gallen, Switzerland
1992     One-person show, Galerie Nada Relic, Zürich, Switzerland
1993     One-person show, Galerie Bea Mitschjeta, St. Gallen, Switzerland
1994    13. International Graphic Triennale, Grenchen, Switzerland
           One-person show, Art Museum d. Kt. Thurgau, Ittingen, Switzerland
        One-person show, Galerie Rövekamp, Zürich, Switzerland
1995    Group exhibition, Galerie GE, Winterthur, Switzerland
           Group exhibition, Kunstraum KIFF, Aarau, Switzerland
           Stopped with art production / started own IT-company
2009     Stopped IT-Company and picked up art production again (Computer composite)
2011     Group exhibition, CRTL - Digital Art, Nextex, St. Gallen, Switzerland
2013    Group exhibition, Werkschau // TG, Kunsthalle Arbon, Switzerland
        Group exhibition, David Bürkler & Friends, Galerie Bleisch Arbon, Switzerland
2014    5ünfstern Offene Ateliers, in my own studio in Wallenwil, Switzerland
        Group exhibition, Participating as friend of Claudio Conte, Oxyd Kunsträume, Winterthur, Switzerland
         One-person show, Galerie Bleisch Arbon, Switzerland
         Group exhibition, New Collection // Art Museum d. Kt. Thurgau, Ittingen, Switzerland
        Group exhibition, Aus gutem Hause, Gallery Widmertheodoridis, Eschlkon, Switzerland
2015    Art Collection Peter und Elisabeth Bosshard, Kunstzeughaus, Rapperswil, Switzerland
       Group exhibition, Landscape, Galerie Bleisch Arbon, Switzerland
 2016    Group exhibition, Randzone/OHM41 in der Villa Sutter, Münchwilen, Switzerland
        Group exhibition, Werkschau 2016, KVA Weinfelden, Switzerland
 2017    Exhibition with Jan Kaeser, Galerie Bleisch Arbon, Switzerland
        Group exhibition, Effort. Encore. Da Capo., Galerie Bleisch Arbon, Switzerland
        "Alles, nur nicht konkret" - Exhibition with Ernst Thoma, Engländerbau in Vaduz , Liechtenstein
 2018   "Alles, nur nicht konkret" - Exhibition with Ernst Thoma, Engländerbau in Vaduz , Liechtenstein
        Group exhibition, Objekt. Plastik. Skulptur. 1, Kunstmuseum Singen, Germany
 2019   Group exhibition, Objekt. Plastik. Skulptur. 1, Kunstmuseum Singen, Germany
        Group exhibition, Morgenstund, Hotel Wartmann, Winterthur, Switzerland
        Group exhibition, Hiltibold, St. Gallen, Switzerland
           Group exhibition, 7 x 20, Kunsthalle Wil, Wil, Switzerland
 2020   One-person show, Galerie Bleisch Arbon, Switzerland
 2021   ORBIT, 13 Kunststationen, Arbeiten im Aussenbereich, Eschlkon/TG, Switzerland
 2022   Group exhibition, Geiler Block, Künstler:innen zeigen Flagge, St. Gallen, Switzerland
       Sommeratelier in der Remise, Weinfelden, Switzerland
       Group exhibition, Giraffenhochzeit, Short Videos, St. Gallen, Switzerland
       Group exhibition, Grossformate, Galerie Bleisch Arbon, Switzerland
 2023   Die Klause / das Podest, St. Gallen, Switzerland